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Franchisee planning for a brighter future
by Dr Callum Floyd
This article details the importance of franchisee business planning, including key success factors.
Benchmark Challenge
by Dr Callum Floyd
Callum Floyd explains the merit of benchmarking yourself against the world's best franchisor; namely, McDonald's.
How great research saved my butt (and could save yours)
by Greg Nathan
Greg Nathan of the Franchise Relationships Institute backgrounds his latest franchisee research and how he has found research important during his franchising career.
The Present Value of a Franchise
by Mark Siebert
Mark Siebert, CEO of iFranchise Group, introduces the concept of Net Present Value to franchising. The article also highlights common poor decisions affecting Net Present Value as well as suggestions for franchisor executives.
Franchise Relationships - Legal and other Consequences
by Rory MacDonald
Observations on settling issues and building workable franchise relationships by Rory MacDonald, of MacDonald Pilcher Partnership law firm in New Zealand.
How Franchisors Can Reach the Top Using 10 Building Blocks to Success
by Ed Teixeira
10 great franchisor practices (and reminders) that will position them and their franchisees in good stead, long-term.
Gleaning psychometric-based insights for franchise success
by Grant Amos
Grant Amos, registered psychologist at Selector Ltd, backgrounds the purpose and benefits of psychometric insights for franchisors and franchisees.
Key #1: Strong Unit-Level Economics
by Joe Mathews and Thomas Scott
A core foundation stone for franchisors seeking a breakthrough in franchisee recruitment and growth. An excerpt from ‘The Franchise Sales Tipping Point’ by Joe Mathews and Thomas Scott.
11 Tips to Improve Franchise Field Visits
by Greg Nathan
In this article Greg Nathan of the Franchise Relationships Institute shows how field managers can reduce their stress and deliver greater value to the franchisee and franchisor bottom line.
How Strong Is Your Franchise's Quality Control?
by Mark Siebert
Mark Siebert of iFranchise explains how a Learning Management System can enhance your franchise network’s quality control.
Crisis Management
by Michael H. Seid
Michael Seid, Managing Director of Michael H. Seid & Associates LLC, describes a crisis well handled and the fundamentals of good franchise system crisis management.
Retail Modeling - The science behind encroachment avoidance?
by Michael H. Seid
Michael Seid, Managing Director of Michael H Seid & Associates discusses design and management issues relating to territories – and encroachment avoidance.
Negotiation and the Franchise Relationship
by Jerry Wilkerson
Jerry Wilkerson of Franchise Recruiters Ltd harnesses his extensive experience in both franchising and political life to explore negotiation and successful franchise relationships. Prepare to leave a dollar on the table.
Should Franchisors Use Financial Performance Representations in the Franchise Sales Process?
by Mark Siebert
Mark Siebert, CEO iFranchise Group, explores whether franchisors should use financial performance representations in the franchise sales process.
New case affirms potential of franchisor liability for franchisee’s acts of discrimination
by Gregg A. Rubenstein
Where does franchisor liability for franchisee actions finish? Gregg A Rubenstein, Partner, Nixon Peabody, explains just how far potential franchisor liability can go.
Is Franchisee Satisfaction Building or Burning Your Franchise System?
by Dr Callum Floyd
Franchisee satisfaction is a crucial measure for franchisors. This article covers why franchisee satisfaction is important, including key consequences. The contributors to franchisee satisfaction are also explored.
Would Your Franchise System Pass the 'Stress Test'?
by Dr Callum Floyd
The current economic climate is providing unprecedented challenges for many franchise systems. Callum Floyd explores the importance of reviewing and aligning the business model with franchise system structure and the current environment.
Using the Franchise Relationship to Build a Culture of Confidence
by Greg Nathan
The current difficult operating environment calls for a special approach when working with franchisees. Franchise Relationship Institute Managing Director, Greg Nathan, provides tools, tips and strategic insights into advancing franchisor and franchisee interests.
The Importance of Brand "Sizzle"
by Mark Siebert
Stand out from your competitors. iFranchise Group CEO, Mark Siebert, talks about the importance of building a valuable brand. Yes it all starts with a great business formula and product. But then "You sell the sizzle - not the steak."
Tips for Franchisor Job Seekers
by Jerry Wilkerson
Experienced franchise executive recruiter, Jerry Wilkerson outlines 10 key points to remember when looking for a new franchising job opportunity.
Strategies to Compete in a Challenging Environment
by Dr Callum Floyd
What are the big name franchises doing to stay in front in the current environment? Smart companies operating in competitive markets are working very hard to improve efficiency, test high-yielding new initiatives, and differentiate themselves from competitors.
How Healthy are Your Franchise Relationships?
by Greg Nathan
In this article Greg Nathan explains the 6 reasons why franchise relationships get strained and applies the old adage "if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it."
Examining the Risks and Benefits of Using Franchise Brokers
by Michael H. Seid
Why would and wouldn't a franchisor utilize a franchise broker to facilitate franchise sales? Michael Seid explores the issues and offers some key recommendations.
The Great Fast Food Challenge
by Dr Callum Floyd
Dr Callum Floyd explores how franchisors are working to compete and survive in the hotly contested, ever-challenged, Fast Food sector.
The Franchise Relationship
by Mark Siebert
Genuine care, commitment and fair dealing goes along way. In fact, says Mark Siebert (iFranchise CEO), if your franchisees see you breaking your back to help them achieve their success, there is almost nothing they won't do for you.
Wise Counsel
by Win Robinson
Franchise Advisory Councils are an effective way of harnessing franchisees' ideas and driving franchise systems forward, says Win Robinson, Managing Director of Franchize Consultants (NZ) Ltd.
Improve the Effectiveness of Your Field Visits
by Greg Nathan
Field visits are expensive and time consuming for franchisors and franchisees. In this article, Greg Nathan explains how to make every visit count.
Training Your Franchisees
by Mark Siebert
Mark Siebert, CEO of iFranchise consulting, explains the importance of training, including headquarters training, onsite training, ongoing training and more training.
Maintaining a Profitable Workforce
by Jerry Wilkerson
In this article Jerry Wilkerson explains how progressive franchisors encourage and stimulate their employees to think and grow with the system.
Developing a Diagnostic Questionnaire as an Aid to Franchisee Selection
by Professor John Stanworth
In this article, Professor John Stanworth of the International Franchise Research Centre, discusses key issues for developing a questionnaire to help select good franchisees.
The Six Stages of Franchise Relationships
by Greg Nathan
Corporate psychologist Greg Nathan talks about the relationship between franchisors and franchisees. Read about what Greg identifies as the six stages of franchise relationships. This model will be of interest to prospective and existing franchisors and franchisees.
The Importance of Training in a Franchised Network
by Brian Duckett
Brian Duckett, Managing Director of Howarth Franchising UK, explains the importance of training for not only franchisees, but franchisor personnel as well.
Exceptional Franchise Executives are Brands unto Themselves
by Jerry Wilkerson
If you have a passion for helping others to succeed, then you might have the foundations to build yourself a human trademark in the franchise industry. Former IFA President Jerry Wilkerson shares his views on qualities of successful management executives.
The Right Marketing Materials
by Mark Siebert
It starts with the development of the story, which should percolate through the marketing materials, like the franchise brochures, website, newsletters and videos. CEO of iFranchise Group, Mark Siebert, shares his knowledge of the essentials.
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